Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chapter 12 Discussion

Concept and brief description:

Merit Pay / Raises
Linking pay increases to performances of employees through appraisals is one way companies can increase the motivation of its employees to work harder and more consistently.

Emotional hook (provocative question/ claim/real-life problem):

I used to work for a company that really seemed to struggle with appraisals and raises. They had a policy in place that stated that each employee would be evaluated every six months to rate their performance evaluation and appraisal. I worked there for nearly six years and received only about half of the appraisal interviews they said I would have, receiving a small raise about once a year. From what I can tell, the issue was probably a lack of time devoted to interviewing and evaluating the employees. The reviews were done only by the manager, who was always constantly on the move. He just didn’t have the time to spend interviewing all his employees and so times would be pushed back, and back again.

Key points to elicit in discussion

Required limits of reviews, Raises and amounts, Laws involved, and Effectiveness and motivation.

Facilitative questions

What options do employees have if they are having their review pushed further and further away, year by year? And should there only be one person doing the reviews? What if they are too busy all the time? Have you ever waited longer then you were supposed to for a raise / review / evaluation?

Chapter 11 Reflection

Internal Equity was the main disscussion in our group today. We talked about how employees develope their own perpective about how faily they are being paid from a number of factors including the pay of others within the organization as wel as comparing other companies with similar jobs.

There must be a balance between the employees pay and why they are being paid the amount they are. If they are being paid less then someone else for the same job without believing that the other person works harder or is more qualified, there will be a sense of unbalance and disappointment. Companies should be responsible to inform their employees of why they are paid the way they are, by doing performance appraisals and/or showing the current rates in the general market for a job similar to theirs.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Discussion - Chapter 11

James Ashworth
Discussion topic for: Chapter 11

Concept and brief description:
The concept I wanted to discuss is under the section of Overtime Pay in the textbook. Regarding “salaried” employees in which they are considered exempt from overtime pay. Firms are not required to pay salaried employees overtime because they expect the employee to be able to manage their time and get the work done.

Emotional hook (provocative question/ claim/real-life problem):
The issue I have with this is that in some situations employees are working all day, come home and continue to work until they go to bed. My wife is a first grade school teacher, and she is expected to be at work at 7:30am until 4pm everyday as far as her contract says. She leaves at 6:45am in the morning and gets home at 5pm. After getting home she continues to work until about 9pm, when she then goes to bed. To me, she is working at her job for over 10-12 hours a day. Legally, everything is fine, however I feel that situations like this employees are being overused, and while her salary pay looks average, if you calculate all the extra time she puts into the job her pay isn’t much better then someone making French fries at Mc. Donald’s.

Key points to elicit in discussion
Exempt employees and the benefits and costs

Facilitative questions
What kind of job do you want? One where you go to work to work, but when you come home you are done. Or would you rather work at work and then work some more when you get home? Is this type of situation more common then I think?

Chapter 10 Reflection

Discipline on the job was the main topic of our groups discussion. We were all in agreement or had experienced situations in our jobs where there was poor management of discipline to employees who break the rules and regulations of employment.

It seems to me that some managers/employers do not treat all employees the same when it comes to discipline. Two employees that break the rules should have the same consequence, however sometimes if one is more "liked" the punishment tends to be less. For example at my job we had a person that consistantly was late, and would joke around with the manager about it. He never really got more then a reminder here and there to be on time. On the other hand there was an employee that was not late everyday, but sometimes would have a hard time getting there on time. He was given three chances, and on the third late day, he was fired.

Obviously this could have turned out very badly if the fired employee had taken legal action for unfair treatment. It just shows me how important it is to make sure that policies are in place, and the consequences are carried out regardless of how well the employee is liked.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Discussion - Chapter 10

James Ashworth
Discussion topic for: Chapter 10

Concept and brief description:
Meeting job satisfaction in order to retain employees, at least for most companies, is highly recommended and saves in the long run to the bottom line. There are several ways to measure job satisfaction including surveys in which employees can rate on a scale how much their job meets the needs they have. If several employees are leaving for the same reason, it might be good for management to consider some changes in their current setup.

Emotional hook (provocative question/ claim/real-life problem):
Speaking on the topic of job satisfaction, I have a personal experience that involves me having to let my job go even though I did not want to. My previous employer, that I had worked for the last 6 years, was unable to work with my education schedule, and asked me to choose between continuing my schooling, or working for them in that position. Looking into the future, an education would be more beneficial to me than a simple dead-end job, and so I decided to quit.

Key points to elicit in discussion
What I have experienced makes me wonder why a company, that hires mostly college students, does not work around their schedules. If their goal is to reduce employee turnover, wouldn’t working with student schedules be at the top of their list?

Facilitative questions
In addition, a huge issue right now is the reduction of employee benefits, primarily health insurance. The costs of health insurance on companies puts a huge strain on their backs, but I wonder if it actually results in less job satisfaction, and motivation to work their best. Why work hard for a company that tries to give you the least back that they legally can?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chapter 8 Discussion

Concept and brief description:
Rating Individual employee’s performance. One of the more difficult things to track is how efficient employees are doing their jobs. Instead of companies arranging their employees from best to worst, they can use performance measurement to see about where each employee stands on a scale, usually 1 to 5 with 5 being the best.

Emotional hook (provocative question/ claim/real-life problem):
I used to work for a company that used self-evaluation scales for measuring job performance. It was a 1 to 10 scale with 10 being the best. After filling out my first one, I was later informed that I am not allowed to give myself 10’s in any area, because 10 means perfect, and there is no such thing… I was a little shocked and offended that I wasn’t allowed to think I could do something at a level 10, or that I even had the potential to reach it. Several other employees I talked with had also gone through the same discussion about not being able to do something perfectly and we all felt kind of weird about it. Why not just set the scale 1 to 9 then?

Key points to elicit in discussion
Do you think that telling employees that they are not capable of achieving a certain level of performance is a good idea? Rating behaviors and TQM.

Facilitative questions
Does a scale system really work? If employees rate themselves, wouldn’t they score themselves higher than they actually are? What about managers who may not even know about the job, and what is considered good performance?

Chapter 7 Reflection

Our group pretty much all had discussion topics of on the job training and how they can be effective or ineffective. Sometimes a company's training staff feel like they need to train just to keep busy so they don't look like their job is worthless. But as an employee, one of our group members said that it's just annoying being trained over and over on things you already know.

Someone mentioned that the rate at which companies hire outside sources for training their employees was like 70%. That is a huge number of companies that don't take responsibility to train their own employees. The instructor said it is because they lack a solid strategic plan. Some of the students said that it can sometimes be justified when either the training is for a new product that the company has no idea how to train about, or if the training is needed by an outside regulatory firm to get certified, such as getting certified as a car mechanic.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chapter 7 Discussion

Concept and brief description:

On the job training is the method many companies use to bring employees up to the standards they require for effective productivity. There are two types of on the job training, Apprenticeship, and internship. Apprenticeship is where a new inexperienced worker basically follows around another person who is very experienced, and learns how they do their job so well, these are typically hands-on labor and crafting, stuff you can’t really learn without just doing it. Internship is similar, except that it is sponsored by an educational institution as a component of an academic program; this is more used for technical and higher-level thinking jobs like doctors, lawyers, and accountants.

Emotional hook (provocative question/ claim/real-life problem):

This topic relates to me currently because I have to choose between taking two more classes or finding an internship in the summer. Although two classes seems like the easy way out, I think an internship will be the wisest choice in the end, because experience is always better than just having the information out of a textbook.

Key points to elicit in discussion

Regulations, procedures, and success of internships

Facilitative questions

• What kinds of internships have members of the group had or are interested in?
• How would one go about asking a company if they will take an intern?
• Beneficial or not?

Chapter 6 Reflection

Searching and selecting employees seems like an easy task on the surface, but as we have been learning in class, there are so many issues involved that it may be some of the harder decisions employers have to make.

Companies need to make sure they are hiring people that will be a good match for the job position, and will be able to work with the group, to accomplish the goals of the company. Bad selection in the beginning will lead to continued problems and decreased productivity and most likely result in the person quitting or getting fired, which then sets the company back even more.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Chapter 6 Discussion

Concept and brief description:

Honesty and Drug tests are important to many businesses in their selection of employees. Some companies have got themselves in big trouble however, because if not handled carefully, accusing someone of dishonesty or drug abuse can lead to lawsuits.

Emotional hook (provocative question/ claim/real-life problem):

There was a girl at one of my previous jobs that was accused of drug abuse by several employees. It created some work problems and ultimately lead to the girl quitting. Come to find out, the girl had some minor mental disability that made her act the way she did, which others took as her being “high”.

Key points to elicit in discussion

Systematic tests to all applicants for the same job
Keeping the applicant informed to the results
Privacy rights of applicants that take the tests

Facilitative questions

So how do companies go about these tests? And what kinds of companies even need to? Are their certain cases where drug tests may be more common than others?