Monday, February 15, 2010

Discussion - Chapter 10

James Ashworth
Discussion topic for: Chapter 10

Concept and brief description:
Meeting job satisfaction in order to retain employees, at least for most companies, is highly recommended and saves in the long run to the bottom line. There are several ways to measure job satisfaction including surveys in which employees can rate on a scale how much their job meets the needs they have. If several employees are leaving for the same reason, it might be good for management to consider some changes in their current setup.

Emotional hook (provocative question/ claim/real-life problem):
Speaking on the topic of job satisfaction, I have a personal experience that involves me having to let my job go even though I did not want to. My previous employer, that I had worked for the last 6 years, was unable to work with my education schedule, and asked me to choose between continuing my schooling, or working for them in that position. Looking into the future, an education would be more beneficial to me than a simple dead-end job, and so I decided to quit.

Key points to elicit in discussion
What I have experienced makes me wonder why a company, that hires mostly college students, does not work around their schedules. If their goal is to reduce employee turnover, wouldn’t working with student schedules be at the top of their list?

Facilitative questions
In addition, a huge issue right now is the reduction of employee benefits, primarily health insurance. The costs of health insurance on companies puts a huge strain on their backs, but I wonder if it actually results in less job satisfaction, and motivation to work their best. Why work hard for a company that tries to give you the least back that they legally can?

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